Callery Borough Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2014
Regular Monthly Meeting

Members Present: Edward Aschley (4 meetings 2014), Mike Brandl (9 meetings 2014),
    Duane Cerra (10 meetings 2014), Edward Conway (10 meetings 2014), Judy Conway (6 meetings 2014), Robert Dugan (10 meetings 2014), Al Wirtz (9 meetings 2014), and Rose Wirtz (8 meetings 2014).
Members Not Present: Ed Aschley, Rose Wirtz, and Al Wirtz..
Visitors: Solicitor Smith and Colleen Stephen, Rep. Metcalfe’s office.

Meeting was called to order by Edward Conway, President at 7:00 pm and a roll call was done.
The Pledge of allegiance was recited.  Everyone was reminded that the meeting was being recorded.
Meeting minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and changes, if any, were noted.
Motion to accept the minutes: Duane Cerra.  Second: Judy Conway
A vote was taken and the motion carried.

Bills paid after last meeting and bills to be paid.
Duane Cerra made the motion to accept the bills paid after last meeting and the bills to be paid. Second: Robert Dugan.  A vote was taken and the motion carried.
Revenues from previous month. Duane Cerra made the motion to accept the revenues. Second: Robert Dugan.
A vote was taken and the motion carried.

Borough foreman’s report:
1.It was reported that the manhole behind the fire hall has been replaced.
2.The only thing that the crew wants to add to the budget this coming year is a riding mower.
Robert Dugan made a motion to accept the foreman's report. Second: Judy Conway.
A vote was taken and the motion carried.

Committee Reports:
Police: Everyone received a copy of the police report.
1.Chief Watts reported going to the mitigation meeting with Michael Baker Engineers at the 911 Center. There          are at least 2 things that have to be done to comply with the mitigation:
A.Keep the creeks clear of debris.
B.Set up a special notification siren with the fire company.
C.After the compliance is in place the chief said he would talk with the Emergency coordinator from Adams Township to see if borough would be able to join they’re emergency team.
Duane Cerra made the motion to accept the police report. Second: Robert Dugan.
   A vote was taken and the motion carried.

1.A letter was sent to the DEP about Elgin Lane and is awaiting a response.
2.A letter was received from Mr. Ober’s attorney who basically says the pipe belongs to the borough.
Duane Cerra made the motion to accept the street report. Second: Mike Brandl.
                 A vote was taken and the motion carried.
1.Gannett Fleming Engineers have completed about 90% of the rules and regulations.
2.There was a discussion about the sewer bill received from ECWSA for the month of October 2014.
3.There was a letter from ECWSA with the rates for 2015.
Duane Cerra made a motion to accept the sewer report. Second: Mike Brandl.
           A vote was taken and the motion carried.
1.Ed Conway told council that Patrick Gauselmann has everything just about caught up except for a few cars.
Duane Cerra made a motion to accept the zoning report. Second: Judy Conway.
             A vote was taken and the motion carried.
1.There was a discussion about the fire hydrant tax.
2.The water company checked the leak on Kline Avenue and said it was not a leak from the water system.
Robert Dugan made a motion to accept the water report.  Second: Duane Cerra.
         A vote was taken and the motion carried.

  made the motion to accept the correspondence. 2nd:
  A vote was taken and the motion carried.

  Old Business:
1.Duane Cerra made a motion to accept Resolution 2014-4 for the selling of borough items.  Second: Robert Dugan.
2.Ed Conway told council that the laptop will be sold.
3.Budget meeting is October 29th @ 7:00 pm.
4.The money was found that will pay for Karen Mazzoni to come in once a month to clean. A motion by Duane Cerra to hire Karen.  Second: Mike Brandl.  A vote was taken and the motion carried.
5.There was a discussion about Ed Conway taking the job of secretary/treasurer. There were concerns that the residents would still go to Ed to fix they’re problems which would triple his work load, but it was felt that he would have no problem learning the position.  Duane Cerra made a motion for Ed to try working with the secretary for a month to see if he felt he could do the job.  Second: Robert Dugan.  A vote was taken and the motion carried.
Duane Cerra made a motion to accept the old business report. Second: Robert Dugan.
A vote was taken and the motion carried.

New Business:
1.Jim Culler sent Ed Conway an email about a meeting in Pine Township on Tuesday, November 18th @ 9 am on “How to request grants.”  Ed Conway and Robert Dugan said they would attend.

Duane Cerra made a motion to accept the new business report. Second: Robert Dugan.
A vote was taken and the motion carried.

Public comment (if any):

With no further business to discuss Judy Conway made a motion to adjourn. Second: Duane Cerra.
A vote was taken and the motion carried.
The meeting concluded at 8:45 pm. pm.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Alice A. Wahl